Why Absorbent Kraft Paper from Sugarcane Bagasse is Better?
One of the main benefits of Absorbent Kraft Paper from sugarcane bagasse is that it reduces the harmful impact on the environment and in return also benefits the company in its costs.
Most of the times paper is made from wood pulp, which, by the way, causes a lot of wood to be cut, forests to be destroyed and the planet to be affected. Having realized this, we decided to do something about not hurting our planet and still make good quality Absorbent Kraft Paper.
So what did we do?
We started making Absorbent Kraft Papers from sugarcane bagasse and that has produced amazing results for us. We make a variety of Absorbent Kraft Papers and Kraft Papers for sugarcane bagasse and recycled waste, without hurting the planet and also reducing costs at different points of production.
What Kinds of Papers Are Made from Sugarcane Bagasse?
All of the major paper products can be made from sugarcane bagasse and they include;
- Absorbent Kraft papers
- MG Kraft Papers
- Core Board/Cone Board Paper
- Paper for packaging and boxes
- Writing, Printing and Photocopier paper.
All of these papers conform to the highest possible quality and standards needed in the industry.
What are the Advantages of Absorbent Kraft Paper from Sugarcane Bagasse?
It is said that every year, 160,000 KM2 forests are cut just to make papers. That’s really concerning, right.
This is exactly why making Absorbent Kraft Papers from sugarcane bagasse is preferred over producing paper from wood pulp.
Let’s see;
A. Reduced raw material consumption:
While the major raw materials for making paper is pulp, there are other raw materials used in making paper. However, when a paper is made from sugarcane bagasse, it reduces the need for new raw materials drastically, which reflects highly positively on the company’s working capital and also nature.
B. It helps save energy:
When papers are made from wood, a lot of energy is used for the process. Since the energy that we use now is mostly from non-renewable sources, they harm our environment in a bevy of ways. However, the energy used in making paper from sugarcane bagasse is highly energy-efficient and thus more economical to the company as well as nature-friendly.
C. It helps reduce water consumption:
Water is one of the most important components used for paper making—whether it is Absorbent Kraft paper or any other kind of paper. However, when a paper is made from sugarcane bagasse, it uses almost 80% less water compared to paper made from wood pulp.
D. It helps protect forests:
Forests are an integral part of nature and its biodiversity. They produce oxygen and help reduce the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide released into the atmosphere by vehicles and other machines that use fossil fuels. When papers are made from sugarcane bagasse, it can reduce the felling of trees and thus protect forests around the world.
All these reasons make producing paper from sugarcane bagasse; the best option there is to meet the demand of Absorbent Kraft paper without harming the environment and nature that we are all a part of.
This is the major reason JB Daruka Papers Limited has chosen the path of making all of its products such as – agro absorbent kraft paper, recycled absorbent kraft paper and MG Kraft papers as well as core/cone board papers from of sugarcane bagasse.
What is the process of making Absorbent Kraft Paper from Sugarcane bagasse?
Sugarcane bagasse is the by-product of sugar mills and is an ideal raw material for papermaking after demyelination. Sugarcane bagasse can be easily cooked, bleached and fewer chemicals are needed for its process. Silicon content is higher than in wood but lower than other grass fibre materials. Thus bagasse pulping is simpler than other grass fibre material while using the appropriate technology.
Bagasse papermaking process:
Material preparation
Pulp production from bagasse
Cooking → Washing
Screening → Bleaching → Alkaline Recovery
Paper Making
In order to learn about our paper making process at JB Daruka Papers Limited, our sustainability efforts and commitment towards a better, greener world, head over to our website.
Comment (1)
Recycled Absorbent Kraft Paper From Paper Waste Is Better Than From Wood
says July 07, 2020 at 8:11 AM[…] Also Read: How we make Absorbent Kraft Paper from Sugarcane Bagasse. […]