Recycled Absorbent Kraft Paper From Paper Waste Is Better Than From Wood.
How did we decide to start making Recycled Absorbent Kraft Paper? Most of the time paper is made from wood/wood pulp, which causes a lot of wood to be cut, forests to be destroyed and the planet to be affected.
Having realized this, we at JB Daruka Papers Limited, decided to do something about it to not hurt our planet and still make a quality paper. So what did we do?
We started using recycled paper waste and sugarcane bagasse to make papers and that has produced amazing results for us.
We still make a variety of Absorbent Kraft Papers – Agro Absorbent Kraft paper from sugarcane bagasse and Recycled Absorbent Kraft paper from recycling paper waste, and that is without hurting the planet.
Also Read: How we make Absorbent Kraft Paper from Sugarcane Bagasse.
What kinds of papers are made at JB Daruka Papers Limited with Recycled Paper Waste?

All of these papers conform to the highest possible quality and standards needed in the industry. Click here to know more about our products.
What are the advantages of making Recycled Absorbent Kraft Papers with waste paper recycling?
It is said that every year, 160,000 KM2 forests are cut just to make papers. That’s really concerning, right? Hence, JB Daruka Papers Limited prefers producing Absorbent Kraft Paper from recycled paper waste over producing paper from wood pulp.
Let’s see why;
1. Reduced cost of water
Water is one of the most important components used for paper making, whether it is Absorbent Kraft paper or not. When Absorbent Kraft paper at JB Daruka Papers Limited is made from recycled waste papers and cartons, it saves almost 80% of the water used, as compared to making paper from wood pulp.
2. Reduced cost of raw material
Wood is a costlier raw material for any company as well as a big cost to the environment. Waste paper and cartons and more economical raw materials, easily affordable by businesses, and all this without compromising on the premium quality of final products.
3. Reduced cost of energy
Absorbent Kraft Paper made from recycled waste is highly energy efficient as it consumes much lesser energy in the process as compared to wood/wood pulp. Along with benefitting the company, the bigger advantage is to the nature and reduced impact on climate change.
4. Reduce Deforestation and Waste Burden
Forests are an integral part of nature. Making paper from wood results in big chunks of forests being cut down. But at JB Daruka Papers Limited, we make Absorbent Kraft paper from recycling paper waste, which not only saves forests, but also reduces the waste burden on the country and the Earth as a whole.
All these reasons make producing Absorbent Kraft paper from recycling paper waste better than paper from wood. There is a way to meet the demand of paper without harming the environment and nature and we at JB Daruka Papers Limited and strongly committed to it.
This is the major reason JB Daruka Papers Limited has chosen the path of making all of its products such as Absorbent Kraft papers, MG Kraft papers as well as Core/Cone Board papers from a recycled paper waste and sugarcane bagasse.
In order to learn about our paper making process and our commitment towards a better, greener world, head over to our website.